Theft Crimes

Theft Crime Cases

Theft Crimes

There are various degrees of theft from misdemeanor theft to felony theft crimes that can result in hefty fines and lengthy jail time. If it was imperative you have proper representation to handle the charges very seriously- Chris Bucio has the experience and passion to help you navigate through the charges to help you with the best possible outcome.

  • Burglary
  • Robbery / Aggravated Robbery
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Theft by unlawful taking
  • Receiving stolen property
  • Retail Theft
  • Petty Theft / Shoplifting
  • Theft
  • Grand Theft
  • Aggravated theft
  • Unauthorized use of a vehicle
  • Forgery
  • Workers’ Compensation Fraud

“Chris Bucio is an award-winning Criminal and DUI defense attorney who along with his team, have handles thousands of criminal cases, helping their clients obtain the best results possible”

Cases We've Won


  • In 2022, our client was charged with theft from a protected class, a felonious theft which looks at 9 to 36 months of imprisonment. Attorney Christopher Bucio and the client put in the efforts to not receive any jail time and was placed on probation. 


  • September 2023, Mr. Chris Bucio was in Darke County Common Pleas representing our client who was being charged with Theft, a felony of the fifth degree. Through the efforts of Mr. Bucio, our client was able to walk out of the courtroom with Obstructing Official Business, a misdemeanor of the first degree, free of any jail time. 



"I can't thank Chris enough. I was in a dire situation that needed experienced legal advice. Chris not only helped me but became an advocate in my corner. I owe Chris and Nikki and the rest of his staff a great deal. I would recommend Roberts Kelly and Bucio to anyone."

- Jack

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(937) 652-2224

(937) 652-2224

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